alpha arts guild
Thomas Herod is an expressive photographer who first picked up a camera in 1967 in Vietnam.
Since then, whether it’s landscape, architecture, or street photography, his lifelong pursuit has been
to understand his strong connection to certain imagery.
Constantly inspired by the beauty and complexity of the world around him, Thomas strives to
capture the essence of his subjects, whether they are people, places, or things. He aims to convey
their unique character through his images and believes that photography has the power to reveal
stories, evoke emotions, and connect us to one another.
When describing his process, he says, “The camera doesn’t see what the eye sees, but I feel
compelled to take certain photographs. My hope is to impress a fingerprint of the image’s soul in
the viewer’s mind. If that connection is made, then they will understand why I had the urge to press
the shutter.”
Thomas uses his camera as a tool for exploration and self-expression, sharing the stories and
perspectives he discovers along the way. Whether working on a personal project or a
commissioned assignment, Thomas approaches each photograph with a sense of curiosity and
openness, seeking to find the beauty and meaning in every subject. He hopes that his work will
inspire others to see the world in a new light, allowing them to appreciate the moments, big and
small, that make life so rich and rewarding.