alpha arts guild
JANE CRABTREE | | 813. 943.5477
I've been an artist all my life and I have always loved color. I received my first box of 96 crayola crayons at 6 years of age and all those beautiful colors influenced a lifetime of painting and design. I can't seem to get enough. Even my baby granddaughter is drawn into the colorful floral painting my daughter hung in her nursery. After the past year of 2020 I think bright colorful art is what we all need to lift our spirits. Even though I primarily work in acrylics now, in my early twenties and thirties I designed and published instructional pattern books on various types of needlework. My designs sold all across the US, in Australia and Europe. I was a member of the Designers Guild of America and the National Needlework Association. Proud to now be a member of the Alpharetta Arts Guild. Check for what's new at ARTfullyJANE on and I can be reached via email or phone at or (813) 943-5477. Thanks and remember to enjoy a "colorful" life.